The Farm Certification program from Nationwide helps agents provide top protection for farms and ranches.

Stephanie Kellogg (of Panhandle Insurance in Coeur d'Alene) and Sara Ricks (of Kuespert Insurance's Parma office) have both earned the On Your Side® Basic Farm Certification designation from Nationwide, the #1 farm insurer in the U.S.
The completion of this certification program by two of our managing agents at Kuespert Insurance reinforce our agency's commitment to help protect farms and ranchers in our area with the highest levels of service and protection. Whether you own a small hobby farm in eastern Washington, grain fields on the Palouse, or hop farms in the Treasure Valley, our agency is committed to helping you protect your ag interests now and in the future.
The designation is intended to help farmers and ranchers recognize agents who have made a commitment to understanding the complex risks faced by the agriculture industry. Only agents who successfully complete the program are awarded the designation, and agents must uphold service commitments to retain their certification.
“Nationwide created this certification program to provide additional education and resources to insurance agents who have made a commitment to protecting farms and ranches,” said Dirk Pollitt, Nationwide agribusiness sales VP. “We’re proud of the agents who complete the program and are excited about the level of service farmers and ranchers can expect from partnering with Farm Certified agents.”
Thru the farm and ranch policy packages available thru Nationwide and other agricultural-minded insurance carriers, the agents at Kuespert Insurance can help find coverage for you, your family and your farm.
Specialty agriculture insurance coverage includes package policies for a variety of agriculture including:
- Agritourism (Corn Mazes, Farmers Markets, Fall Festivals, etc)
- Almond/Nut Growers
- Beekeeping
- Custom Farming / Feeding Operations
- Dairy
- Equine Operations
- Row Crop Farmers including Grains, Hay, Onions, Potatoes, Legumes, and more
- Livestock Operations including Cattle, Hogs, Poultry, Goats and Sheep.
- Nursery / Greenhouse Businesses
- Orchards, Vineyards/Wineries & Hop Farms
- Sod Farms
- Tree Farms, Christmas Tree Farms, U-Pick Operations
For more information about farm and ag insurance in your area, contact one of our local agents:
Farm / Ranch Insurance in Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington - Stephanie Kellogg @ Panhandle Insurance 208-664-9223
Farm / Ranch Insurance in Southern Idaho - Sara Ricks @ Kuespert Insurance - Parma Office 208-880-2077